Week 2 of prototyping

This week we were tasked with making 2 prototypes with the theme of “corrupted vision”. It was indicated to us that this theme means that we would need to make a prototype with bad mechanics or that it was designed “by a child” with no knowledge of game design. With all of this in mind we had to make a question. Since the first prototypes had good reception we decided to continue with them, but we had to make them bad, so the question was “How can we make our prototypes worse?”.

Our first prototype had similar mechanics to the first one last week. It still has the grappling hook, since during last week’s playtest it had good reception, but it has been heavily modified so that it would not feel well to control, now the player does not keep the speed after releasing it. That is not the only change, now the player can move without using the grappling hook and can shoot bullets to damage enemies. The most notable change is that now most of the screen is black with the exception of the player, the mouse and the bullets. This will most likely not make it to the final version because players will most likely get irritated.

Our second prototype for "corrupted vision" also focused on making the game from the previous week worse. Instead of teleporting to a place of you choosing, it is now completely random. The prototype now also incorporates physics, this means the player character now rolls down slopes which can be disorientating. The limited number of teleports from the last prototype was also cute. This means you just have to keep clicking until you get lucky which would feel frustrating and unrewarding.
